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Idler Door Screw Nut Slips  

New Member
Idler Door Screw Nut Slips

Hello Community,

I am trying to remove the spring screw holding the idler door closed, but the nut is slipping in its recess!  I have no way to capture the flats to remove the screw. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance

Postato : 04/03/2020 8:50 pm
RE: Idler Door Screw Nut Slips

People have had success with either wedging a small flat head screwdriver in beside the nut to keep the nut from spinning (be prepared to reprint the part, maybe do that first though, if you can...) or very carefully applying a small amount of superglue or loctite to bind the nut to the surrounding plastic (but not gluing the nut on the screw, naturally). 



Postato : 04/03/2020 9:56 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Idler Door Screw Nut Slips


Thanks.... I did try wedging a thin blade in to try and capture the flat on the nut but no luck 🙁 ... I'll try the superglue next.

Postato : 05/03/2020 11:51 am
RE: Idler Door Screw Nut Slips

Best of luck. If that still falls through and you don't particularly care about keeping the part intact the next option is probably using something like a soldering iron to heat the nut (while applying tension through the door) so it can melt through the part and get things disassembled. 

Postato : 05/03/2020 2:23 pm