i3MK3 PSU Power Panic disconnect
Short question.... Is there any issue with unplugging the PSU Power Panic from the einsy board on the i3MK3?
Long story...
I recently bought a UPS power supply as backup power for my i3mk3 and mini.
When I had to disconnect the UPS from the wall to move it.
The Mini was fine and the i3Mk3 had a power panic.
Poking around I saw that to avoid this you can unplug the power panic from the einsy board
see attached image or go here https://help.prusa3d.com/article/einsy-rambo-electronics-wiring-mk3-mk3s-mk3s_2107
I did that and now it does not panic when unplugged.
But I am concerned, like did I make it unsafe somehow...
... as long as I have it attached to a PSU is there anything to be worried about?
RE: i3MK3 PSU Power Panic disconnect
Personally, I would leave it as is.
I've been running the MK3S with an outboard UPS for over two years now. I don't think it's ever had power disconnected except on the rare occasions when I have powered it down intentionally.
One of my maybe-to-do projects that I just have not gotten around to is to add a power relay to the RPi that monitors the heat in the enclosure to cut the power, as in AC in to the MK3S, should the temperature rise to a level that would indicate fire or a meltdown of the electronics.