PrusaSlicer: How to scale Z by an exact number that's different from the x and y scaling?
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[Solved] PrusaSlicer: How to scale Z by an exact number that's different from the x and y scaling?  

Noble Member
PrusaSlicer: How to scale Z by an exact number that's different from the x and y scaling?

I have an STL from a third party that I need to scale and then print.  I need to scale x and y by exactly 114.6%, but z by exactly 96.3%.  How to do this?

If I use the input box to enter 114.6% for x, then that number is copied to y and z also.

I'm aware that if I type "S" I can mouse-wheel my way to different scaling for x,y, and z, but with only that method, it's very prone to either overshooting or undershooting the exact scaling factor that I need.  Is there some way I can type in the scaling factor for just z, leaving x and y unaffected, without using just the mouse wheel to enter it?

I checked the Prusa Knowledge base, and it doesn't reveal how to do this.

Anyone know?  Please advise.

Best Answer by karl-herbert:

Posted by: @dimprov

I have an STL from a third party that I need to scale and then print.  I need to scale x and y by exactly 114.6%, but z by exactly 96.3%.  How to do this?

If I use the input box to enter 114.6% for x, then that number is copied to y and z also.

I'm aware that if I type "S" I can mouse-wheel my way to different scaling for x,y, and z, but with only that method, it's very prone to either overshooting or undershooting the exact scaling factor that I need.  Is there some way I can type in the scaling factor for just z, leaving x and y unaffected, without using just the mouse wheel to enter it?

I checked the Prusa Knowledge base, and it doesn't reveal how to do this.

Anyone know?  Please advise.

Just unlock the scalefactors:

This topic was modified před 4 years by dimprov
Napsal : 21/12/2020 1:34 am
Illustrious Member
RE: PrusaSlicer: How to scale Z by an exact number that's different from the x and y scaling?
Posted by: @dimprov

I have an STL from a third party that I need to scale and then print.  I need to scale x and y by exactly 114.6%, but z by exactly 96.3%.  How to do this?

If I use the input box to enter 114.6% for x, then that number is copied to y and z also.

I'm aware that if I type "S" I can mouse-wheel my way to different scaling for x,y, and z, but with only that method, it's very prone to either overshooting or undershooting the exact scaling factor that I need.  Is there some way I can type in the scaling factor for just z, leaving x and y unaffected, without using just the mouse wheel to enter it?

I checked the Prusa Knowledge base, and it doesn't reveal how to do this.

Anyone know?  Please advise.

Just unlock the scalefactors:

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 21/12/2020 2:29 am
dimprov se líbí