How to read the firmware?
i print now nearly one year with my MK3s, without any problems.
But im planning a little experiment.
I want to "upgrade" my MK3S with BearExxa
Why, and if it make sense, is not the thema of this thread xD
So, when i replace my X-Axis and the Extruder with the "Bear", i get some problems with selftest ans XYZ calibration (stands in the discription).
Therefore the "Bear" provide a custom Firmware.
So i downloaded the original Firmware, and the Bear-Firmware... so i could compare them, and see, whats the difference between these two firmwares, before i do any changes.
But my question is: how i can open them?
When i open the firmware with Notepad++, there is only unreadable code.
Which Program i need, that i can see, what is the difference between booth?
Best Answer by JoanTabb:
Firmware is compiled into Hex and that is probably what you are looking at. there are decompilers for some languages, but they are often hit and miss.
your best bet is to ger the source code and compare that.
Prusa Store their firmware on Github.
regards Joan
RE: How to read the firmware?
Firmware is compiled into Hex and that is probably what you are looking at. there are decompilers for some languages, but they are often hit and miss.
your best bet is to ger the source code and compare that.
Prusa Store their firmware on Github.
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: How to read the firmware?
omg, that was so easy.....
sometimes, i can't see the wood for the trees xD
I was able to find the source code of both (Bear and Prusa) and it was easly to compare.
Thanks for your advice! 👍 👍 👍