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Hotend thermister issue  

Trusted Member
Hotend thermister issue

Perhaps someone can shed some light on this issue for me. Unit is MK3s all stock. I have no issues printing pla,petg,tpu,etc.
I have min temp (hotend) error in the mornings (cool basement 17c) That is still above the threshold. I decided it was maintenance time anyway and replaced the thermister with a new PRUSA thermister (checked and unit is good). Next morning same issue. I have checked on the last 3 versions of firmware (passed on lasted firmware upgrades). Wiring is good. warming up the hotend first and I can print all day with no issues. Unit is in an enclosure with an open front. My guess is the einsy board?

Respondido : 28/01/2023 4:00 pm
Noble Member

If I read this right in the morning you get mini temp but once heated it's fine am I correct 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models

Respondido : 29/01/2023 4:39 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Hotend thermister issue

Thanks for replying. Yes you are correct. This started about 13 days ago. In the morning once I start up the temp always reads 9C (thermometer in enclosure will be at 17c. If I heat the nozzle to 15 error gets corrected a restart and I am good till the next day. I can print anything I want for as long as I do not let it cool down fully.

Respondido : 29/01/2023 2:12 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Hotend thermister issue

there is a  safety  setting in the firmware to prevent heating when low temperatures are sensed.  it's nothing to worry about. I have one of my printers in an unheated caravan, 
If I don't have a cup of coffee to put on the build plate, to heat the heatbed and hot end, I rest my hand on the heatbed and touch the hot end, after a couple of minutes the heat of my hand warms the thermistors enough to overcome the mintemp issue
regards Joan


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 29/01/2023 5:57 pm
Extra Fox
Reputable Member
RE: Hotend thermister issue

I used to race to the preheat menu when first starting my printer in the morning. Once it got up to temp I'd either start printing or initiate a cooldown. That was usually enough to avoid the mintemp warning.


Respondido : 29/01/2023 6:00 pm
Noble Member
RE: Hotend thermister issue

It's making me think the on board thermistor is playing up

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models

Respondido : 29/01/2023 7:42 pm
Noble Member


Posted by: @hello

It's making me think the on board thermistor is playing up

Do this I think it's settings then temperature and see what it reads And also go calibration then temperature calibration 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models

Respondido : 29/01/2023 7:44 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Hotend thermister issue

Thanks everyone I have some stuff to check out now :))

Respondido : 29/01/2023 8:09 pm