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Hotend replacement problems  

New Member
Hotend replacement problems

Hi....first time post

i recently replaced the hotend on my of the thick red wires on the original was badly worn. Initially everything seemed fine, a 35min print came out perfect. However next time I tried to use the printer I got a clicking extruder, and no filament extruded. I tried doing a cold pull and now I have filament jammed in the hotend.


ideally I would like to find somebody in the U.K. to repair my printer....I have very limited eye sight and only limited use of one hand (other arm was amputated years ago) so I find working on the extruder frustrating to say the least.

otherwise I need advise.....I found replacing the hot end tough, and fitting the new one extremely fiddly....any suggestions what I may have done wrong? I am confused as it did work immediately after I did the repair


any help suggestions would be much appreciated



Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 6:42 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Hotend replacement problems

I remove stuck filament by heating up the hotend well and pushing the ripped filament end top down through the nozzle with the smallest allen key coming with the MK3S.  (Prusa Knowledge Base | Clogged nozzle/hotend (MK3S, MK2.5S) (

I assume you have wrongly adjusted the pressure on the extruder door when reassembling the extruder. If there is not enough pressure the filament will not be pushed through consistently but will be worn down by the rotating extruder gear until it is worn thin and breaks, this may happen particularly where there are a number of retracts within a very short time, i.e. always on the same inch of filament.

Pressure on the filament is to an extent coupled to the heat of the nozzle - if the heat is insufficient but the pressure of the gears is high, the filament might be squeezed through the nozzle in a semi-liquid form; the slightest temp change e.g. by the vent kicking in for an extended time will then lead to clogging.



I try to give answers to the best of my ability, but I am not a 3D printing pro by any means, and anything you do you do at your own risk. BTW: I have no food for…

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 7:59 pm
Illustrious Member

I would like to find somebody in the U.K.

You may be able to find someone local using the World tab...

Or, whereabouts are you (not street address) - anyone here close?

I'm in Dorset.


Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 10:00 pm
New Member
RE: Hotend replacement problems


Posted by: @teamdax

Hi....first time post

i recently replaced the hotend on my of the thick red wires on the original was badly worn. Initially everything seemed fine, a 35min print came out perfect. However next time I tried to use the printer I got a clicking extruder, and no filament extruded. I tried doing a cold pull and now I have filament jammed in the hotend.


ideally I would like to find somebody in the U.K. to repair my printer....I have very limited eye sight and only limited use of one hand (other arm was amputated years ago) so I find working on the extruder frustrating to say the least.

otherwise I need advise.....I found replacing the hot end tough, and fitting the new one extremely fiddly....any suggestions what I may have done wrong? I am confused as it did work immediately after I did the repair


any help suggestions would be much appreciated


hello friend ... my name is David and I hope to help you ... from my experience I tell you that when replacing the nozzle there is melted material that when repositioning the nozzle is pressed against the hotend ... heats the printer, removes the nozzle, put the subject at 180 degrees and clean the hole... with a round metal brush or with the filament itself, inserting it several times to remove the remains

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 10:07 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Hotend replacement problems

Thanks for the suggestions......I did check the screw that keeps the extruder door shut.. it was initially a little proud of the surrounding body, which fits with what you suggest. I did tighten it (so it was flush with the surrounding body) but that if anything made the clicking worse.  

I will try to unclog the nozzle as you suggest and report back


thanks for the suggestions....much appreciated



Thanks for the quick reply

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 10:10 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Hotend replacement problems

I am in Thurrock (in Essex)....I am more than happy to drop off (and pick up)  the printer

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 10:16 pm
New Member
RE: Hotend replacement problems

you must remove the hot nozzle .... clean the internal thread completely .... move the head to the left to be able to see from below. a bird that is perfectly clean, you put a new mouthpiece since the one you have removed will not work for you. once you put the new nozzle and the internal thread is pristine, load the filament again

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 10:45 pm
Illustrious Member

A quick look at the World tab shows several users in your area, hundreds if you include London, so try messaging a few of them.  I'm 6 hours away so not really practical.


Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 10:52 pm