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Hotend or bed heating causes a reboot.  

J Michael Pinc
Active Member
Hotend or bed heating causes a reboot.

So why would setting the temperature of either the heated bed or the hotend cause my system to reboot? I've tried Preheat PLA... bam. Screen goes dark and system reboots. I've tried turning on just the heatbed: again. down it goes. I've tried just heating the hotend, and once again the whole system goes dark and reboots. I've checked my connections to the power supply and they seem good. I've checked the fuses and they seem fine as well. The hotend connection to the EINSY seems to be fine, as does the one to the heatbed. Any ideas what I should try? I'm somewhat vexed... everything looks to be properly connected. I can understand if there's a short in one of the two could cause a reboot if that one is turned on. But why would it shut down if the other one is turned on? Confusing, though I freely admit I'm not an expert.

Respondido : 20/05/2019 11:12 am
Eminent Member
RE: Hotend or bed heating causes a reboot.

I'd reflash the firmware, sounds like there's a bug

Respondido : 20/05/2019 1:30 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Hotend or bed heating causes a reboot.

Is that a new printer or has it developed the problem after some time? It seems like the PSU isn't good (like if the output capacitors would be half-dead, their aging depends on temperature very much) and any kind of significant load causes a voltage fluctuation big enough to take the CPU to reset.

You can try by touching the heatbed cables directly to the PSU heatbed cables without the Einsy in the middle, if that also causes a reset, then it's clearly the PSU.

Respondido : 20/05/2019 2:35 pm
RE: Hotend or bed heating causes a reboot.

Last time someone reported this it was caused by a short between the outputs. I suspect a similar situation here, as noted above.

Respondido : 20/05/2019 9:12 pm
J Michael Pinc
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Hotend or bed heating causes a reboot.

Had my Mom visiting so I didn't get to test the power supply until today. Turns out the bump I'd given it made something inside unhappy, since it would crash the system when I put a load on it. Fortunately, I had another 24V PS around and swapped it in and that resolved the heat up/crash cycle. Thanks for the help on that matter. 

Respondido : 01/06/2019 8:24 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Hotend or bed heating causes a reboot.

If it reoccurs, pull the nozzle heater cable at the Einsy and see if the issue goes away; if not, then pull the heatbed cables.  Seems shorts in those circuits will over-current the supply before they pop a fuse.

Respondido : 02/06/2019 8:40 am