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Horizontal bands  

Horizontal bands

I’m having an issue of an artifact showing up on my prints. Every now and then. One layer seems to be “larger” than the rest. Resulting in a single layer bulge, from a distance it looks like a single z-band.

this does not looks like a layer shift, because the layers where it occurs are uniformly “bulgy.”

the problem layers do not appear at consistent heights. It shows up seemingly at random.

my original theory is some sort of temporary Z-bind. Maybe some gunk build up in the smooth or threaded rods of the z-axis, and it’s not rising as much as it should, and it’s extruding plastic on/in the previous layer.

ive cleaned it real good. Also, the error does not show up in vase mode.

im at my wits end. I am a few versions behind on firmware and prusa slicer. I’m gonna get that up to date when I get home. But any information anyone else has here would be awesome.


thank you 

Publié : 21/05/2024 3:12 pm
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