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Home in the wrong spot
The printer thinks that the back left corner is the front left corner. I have the motor in correctly. And the pinda is in there correctly. what is wrong.
tearing my hair out,
Publié : 31/05/2019 7:00 pm
RE: Home in the wrong spot
Home is BED fully back ... EXTRUDER fully left. Nozzle should be over the front left corner of the bed.
Publié : 31/05/2019 7:56 pm
RE: Home in the wrong spot
Non-prusa motor cable plunged into EINSY flipped 180 degrees? Stock motors should be wired with polarized plugs. Is color coding same for all your motor cables at the plugs?
Publié : 31/05/2019 9:25 pm
RE: Home in the wrong spot
Me thinks the instructions are a bit confusing when they say front left I also assumed the bed should be forward at HOME.
Publié : 01/06/2019 12:58 am
RE: Home in the wrong spot
Ah. Just a terminology issue.
Home, front left is front left of bed.
Publié : 01/06/2019 1:28 am