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help with deformities in 1mm flat print  

Edward B
Active Member
help with deformities in 1mm flat print

I'm having some printing issues I can't figure out. It's not consistent, but this latest design has really made it stand out. There is a section about 2"x3" that is 1 mm thick, which is where it shows the worst, but even the rest of the flat area which is 3 mm thick still shows it. Can anyone out there help me figure out what I'm doing wrong and what I did to do to deal with this?

Here are some pics:

This first one shows two pieces where in PrusaSlicer I selected Archimedean Chords for the top and bottom fill patterns, leaving the general fill pattern at Gyroid. Notice how some of the rings seem to be completely missing? Both prints used the same gcode file, but the deformed sections, while very close, are not exact. I've had good results with Archimedean Chords on other prints.
uneven printing in spots

So, I switched to Rectilinear. There is a section, top center slightly to the left, that is very rough. And I can't figure out what that dark spot is in the center; it doesn't seem to be thinner there, maybe an impurity in the filament? Similar results, minus the dark patch, with a second attempt. A third attempt was better but still had a bit of roughness.

roughness with rectilinear

rough surface with rectilinear print

Finally, I switched the regular fill pattern to Grid (top and bottom still rectilinear) and got this. I'm not sure if this is what the result should be, but I kind of like it. No obvious deformity in the pattern, at least.



Opublikowany : 04/01/2020 3:35 am