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Heater block is leaking boogers when I print PETG  

New Member
Heater block is leaking boogers when I print PETG

I've had maybe 6-7 successful prints using PETG on this printer (some of them quite large) but the past two they failed due to massive singular layer shift (about 1 mm). My initial conclusion was that the notorious PETG boogers were causing this. I tried the same print twice, the first with no changes, other than adding some brim and the next one I tried including a wipe tower, and added some retractions. Then when making a post in the "print this" section I thought people would want a picture of the hot end since I had damaged it in the past. The damage occurred when I tried doing an 18 hr .05 mm print of PLA. I left the printer unattended to go to sleep and to work and when I came back the world's worst blob had worked itself in to every crevice of the hot end. I got everything I could out and started to disassemble it, but the realized there was nothing in the way of it printing and so I printed like that to date. You can see there is some damage to the heater wires, but they are still functioning.


It wasn't until I started trying to troubleshoot this PETG print that I noticed that the heatblock was leaking. So at this point my question is, who knows what I need to do to fix this? I am thinking I should take the hotend apart, clean it more thoroughly and inspect the connection of the heatblock on the heat sink. I just read the guide, but does anyone have any suggestions before I take this thing apart? Is there an easier fix to try before taking it apart? The extrusion side fan also isn't on for the first layer, but I think that's normal. Is there an easy way to test this without setting up a new print?


Thanks for your support and infill.

Napsal : 23/11/2019 10:50 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Heater block is leaking boogers when I print PETG

Also, if there's anything I need to print before I take it apart I think I could get something functional out of this.

Napsal : 23/11/2019 10:52 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Heater block is leaking boogers when I print PETG


I could be wrong but it looks like the nozzle is leaking at the thread. 

i3 Mk3 [aug 2018] upgrade>>> i3MK3/S+[Dec 2023]

Napsal : 24/11/2019 5:44 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Heater block is leaking boogers when I print PETG



I think that's correct. Any idea what might cause that/how to fix it? There's no way for the heater block to rotate given the wires. Is it possible that the heat sink rotated and cause this? I think the best move is to take it apart, right?

This post was modified před 5 years by geowaskow
Napsal : 24/11/2019 1:26 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Heater block is leaking boogers when I print PETG
Posted by: @geowaskow

[...] I think that's correct. Any idea what might cause that/how to fix it? There's no way for the heater block to rotate given the wires. Is it possible that the heat sink rotated and cause this? I think the best move is to take it apart, right?

Try removing the part cooling fan and front extruder housing and inspect the gap between the heat sink and heater block. If you see filament puddled and burnt up there, that means it's leaking from between your nozzle and heatbreak. Eventually, the stuff will blacken (if PETG) and drop off or drip down the sides.

You need to make sure the nozzle and heatbreak are tightly assembled. If you've worked on the hardware or replaced nozzles, it's possible that the block turned and was loosened during the work. If it's leaking, your best bet is to disassemble it, clean it all out and reassemble it per E3D's instructions. Be sure to clear any accumulated gunk out of the heatbreak threads. 

I'm not convinced the stepped heatbreak is the root of as many problems as others, but while you're taking everything apart, you might as well swap that part out if you're not using an MMU2. I put in a titanium E3D heatbreak just for good measure. Be sure to apply thermal paste between the heatbreak and heatsink. Also be aware that your heatbreak, heater block, thermistor and heater cartridge may not come cleanly apart. Much will depend on how fastidious you've been on keeping things clean. I wound up replacing the heatbreak, heater block, thermistor and heater cartridge. Keep spares on hand when you do this work. I also recommend a silicone sock.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 24/11/2019 6:03 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Heater block is leaking boogers when I print PETG


I ordered replacements for the whole hotend as well as some upgrades! I'll see what I can do about cleaning these parts up in the mean time.

Thanks so much for your help!

Napsal : 25/11/2019 12:02 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Heater block is leaking boogers when I print PETG


if you have a 6mm tap and die, you can use these to clear the threads in the heat block, on the heat break and nozzle. 

I use Heatsink paste on the 7mm heatbreak thread, that goes into the aluminium Heatsink and coppaslip on the threads that go into the heater block, 

this makes heat transfer better and dissassembly, easier. 

Make sure you catch the first spurt of filament in a tissue or cloth,  after doing this so that you don't get grease on the build plate


regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 25/11/2019 12:02 pm