Heated nozzle requirement to manually move extruder stepper?
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Heated nozzle requirement to manually move extruder stepper?  

Active Member
Heated nozzle requirement to manually move extruder stepper?

When removing the hotend by partially disassembling the extruder and "pulling the motor end out", I need to release the set screw on the extruder drivegear, or it will snag on the housing. So if the set screw is not accessible, I will need to manually turn the stepper in the menus.

Yet for some reason, to run the stepper, the hotend must be heated.

So to remove the hotend, *if* the set screw is not accessible by random chance, I will need to 1) wait for the hotend to heat up, 2) turn the stepper, 3) loosen the set screw, 4) wait for the hotend to cool down, as I will be touching it

Why on earth is this a requirement? Please patch this out. At the very least *ASK* if there's filament in the extruder or not

Respondido : 20/09/2023 6:13 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Heated nozzle requirement to manually move extruder stepper?

Set the cold extrusion value to say 15C. It need an 'M' code. Possibly M302... 

And you should be able to rotate the extruder at room temperature

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 20/09/2023 7:15 am