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Heated Bed NM-12 Sheet replacement  

Eminent Member
Heated Bed NM-12 Sheet replacement

Hi! I just ruined my original plate which came with the printer. 😥  
This was my first print with Titan X from Form Futura and I forgot to lower the standard ABS bed temperature from 100°C to the advised 80-90°C. Now the filament bonded to the PE Sheet completely and I was not able to remove it without destroying the coating.

I can't find any replacement sheets in the Prusa online shop.

- Can someone advise me where can I buy original Prusa glossy powder-coated PEI NM-12 Sheets?

- What is the recommended/best sheet for MK3 for printing ABS?

Thanks for any advice.


Posted : 17/05/2019 3:06 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Heated Bed NM-12 Sheet replacement

Your can order the whole smooth PEI spring steel sheet or only a replacement PEI film. Make sure you're logged in before following those links. They are only visible to logged in users that have purchased a printer.

If you had the rare textured powder coated sheet, then you'll have to do with using the other side of it or switching to the smooth PEI (not powder coated) variant. A replacement textured sheet isn't currently available.

I'm not printing ABS currently, but a good way for PETG to prevent fusing to the sheet is to wash the sheet with Windex before each print. That leaves a thin film on the sheet that prevents the plastics to fuse and makes removal easier. It may work with ABS, too. Another option is the infamous PVA glue stick, of course. Provides both good adhesion and separation that prevents fusing.

Posted : 17/05/2019 3:23 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Heated Bed NM-12 Sheet replacement

Thanks for the quick answer and the the suggestion with Windex/PVA. 😉  

I was not logged in that's why I could not see the parts...

Posted : 17/05/2019 3:41 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Heated Bed NM-12 Sheet replacement

A quick update: I tested window cleaner, glue stick, lowered the bed temperature to 50°C and put the bed after printing in the deep freezer...

Nothing helps. TitanX bonds to the PEI sheet so much that it can not be removed without damaging both the sheet as well as the print.

Next week I will (hopefully) get a fiber glass bed which was sanded down and so it's not working anymore for PLA. Let's see how that fairs with TitanX.
If that doesn't work, I'll remove the damaged PEI Sheet and put some capton tape on it. 

Posted : 22/05/2019 7:29 pm