Gaps in Extrusion
Hi - I've got a problem with gappy extrusion: there are chunks missing in what's put out unless I run the printer way slow:
It looks like the extruder is slipping, but the bondtech gears don't slip, and the gear's got a grub screw keeping it on the shaft of the motor that I've tightened. If I print at 20% speed based on the default mk3 settings for the material, I can get usable parts. I thought it was a clog, but I've replaced the entire hotend save for the teflon tube, and the problem persists. Is there something I'm missing? I've tried varying the tension - both more and less seem to see the problem persisting. I've tried varying the retraction - more or less don't seem to make it go away.
Re: Gaps in Extrusion
I've a similar issue with my MK3 since two months until now (I've not fixed yet). You can see my problem at this link:
I've made different tests but the problem persists:
- Firmware Update
- Factory reset
- Wizard and temperature PID calibration
- Last version of Slic3r Prusa edition with default profiles for Pursa PLA and PLA SmartMaterials
- Idler tension adjust
- Bondtech cleaning
- I've changed the extruder motor with other new
- Changed layer fan with other new
- Filament sensor changed to other new
- Finally I've changed completly the V6 extruder. I bought a new V6 to Prusa fully assembled and the problem continues...
The only parts that I've not changed from the extruder are: Bondtech, noctua fan and printed parts. The rest of the elements are totally remplaced by new parts buyed to Prusa shop.
I've contact Prusa technical support and I've pending receive a new Einsy board from Prusa the next week. I hope this fix my issue because it's terrible the number of hours and plastic burn in failed tests during these two last months...
So that's my experience and the problem is very simmilar to your problem... Good luck!
Re: Gaps in Extrusion
I'll try and contact support about this. Thanks for the reply.
Re: Gaps in Extrusion
Finally I've fixed my problem. The origin of my issue was the "extruder-idler" printed part:
I've received a bad printed part from Prusa in my MK3 kit. This part adjust extremly hard inside extruder body so the natural movement of this part was not possible during printing. Finally I've printed all extruder parts and build it again.
Re: Gaps in Extrusion
Finally I've fixed my problem. The origin of my issue was the "extruder-idler" printed part:
I've received a bad printed part from Prusa in my MK3 kit. This part adjust extremly hard inside extruder body so the natural movement of this part was not possible during printing. Finally I've printed all extruder parts and build it again.
jgm, can you elaborate more on how your bad idler was the culprit? i was having the same issue (i made a thread called Layer Tearing). I ended up printing the R3 extruder parts, as well as a new idler door, and the problem seems to have mostly gone away, though I need to run a few more prints to be sure. What did support tell you and how did you come to the conclusion it was the idler?