FW update bug: "model was sliced for another printer model"
After updating my MK3S and MMU2S (with MK3S_MK3S+_FW_3.14.1_MULTILANG.hex and respective MMU2S_MMU3_FW3.0.3+896.hex), my printer displays this error message "model was sliced for another printer model" every time I try to print a model (sliced correctly using PrusaSlicer 2.9.0).
I verified the gcode in subject and it contains the correct printer model check: "M862.3 P "MK3SMMU2S"
So, the only logical issue remaining is that the printer is now looking to find a different string at the printer model check in the gcode.
Finally, the questions I have are:
1. What is the updated printer firmware looking for to find in the gcode when it does the printer model check?
2. How do I properly fix this issue? (hopefully without removing the printer model check from the original printer start gcode)
3. Does Prusa have any plans to fix this bug?