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FS-lever stuck, no way to relieve it  

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FS-lever stuck, no way to relieve it


I just purchased a MK3S+ kit (with the new filament sensor pieces) and assembled it a couple of days ago. I absolutely love the printer, it's spectacular. Worth all the hype and every penny. However, I do have one problem that is affecting me: The FS-lever in the extruder body *always* gets stuck, and the filament sensor, as a result, does not work.

I've re-assembled the extruder about 10 times now (I can almost do it blindfolded), I've sanded down the FS lever itself a bit, ground down the extruder component as well, tightened the FS lever M3 screw about 20 different ways, I've lubricated the crap out of it, and no matter what, as soon as the last screw goes on, it stops moving. The *only* way I can get it to move freely is to loosen the M3x40 screw on the back of the extruder assembly that's closest to the FS lever, to the point where it's almost not tightened at all. That can't be a good thing for the extruder assembly.

Is it possible the magnet is too long and is scraping against the plastic? I'm running out of ideas, and am not relishing an 11th rebuild (though I have it down to only the essential parts now). I've seen lots of fixes for the MK3S, but not for the MK3S+, which is set up differently. The only "fixes" I've seen for the MK3S+ involves loosening the back left M3x40 screw, which I'd rather not do. Thanks for any assistance!

Best Answer by bytemaster0:

Okay, fun fact. I was of the opinion that the magnet, inserted into the FS-lever, was as far in as it could have gone. I recall pushing it with quite a bit of force. I printed another FS-lever in black PETG and inserted the spare magnet, and compared the original, and the magnet had gone farther in. Used a hard surface on the original lever, and the filament sensing works flawlessly, even with the extruder screwed together tightly. Problem solved!

Publié : 29/08/2021 3:10 am
Sensor screw

I did have to loosen the screw that holds down my sensor.  You might also try this.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 31/08/2021 8:22 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Ramifications

My FS-lever is stuck even without the sensor in place.

Publié : 01/09/2021 7:22 pm

Something must be warped or deformed.  .  

Posted by: @bytemaster0

My FS-lever is stuck even without the sensor in place.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 02/09/2021 12:38 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Loosening extruder screw

This is the image of the screw that must be loosened (the one pointed to by the purple arrow):FS-lever screw that must be loosened

Publié : 02/09/2021 1:07 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Okay, fun fact. I was of the opinion that the magnet, inserted into the FS-lever, was as far in as it could have gone. I recall pushing it with quite a bit of force. I printed another FS-lever in black PETG and inserted the spare magnet, and compared the original, and the magnet had gone farther in. Used a hard surface on the original lever, and the filament sensing works flawlessly, even with the extruder screwed together tightly. Problem solved!

Publié : 02/09/2021 3:21 am
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