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Flow Override Causing Major Motion Issues  

Eminent Member
Flow Override Causing Major Motion Issues

I'm really struggling with the motion control of my new i3 MK3. I am finding that stealth mode, linear advance, and flow override all can contribute to bad motion of the extruder drive, the print head, or both.

Here is a photo that shows a progression of settings and the results:

Here is a video showing the extruder drive doing a retract type of move when approaching this very gentle arc. The printer is in stealth mode, and has K set to zero, and flow override set to 108%. Setting flow back to 100% completely "fixes" this gap in the print.

I have used Marlin based printers for 6 years and have never seen anything like this, even at silly high flow % values. Printer is running FW 3.4.

Posted : 25/09/2018 12:55 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Flow Override Causing Major Motion Issues

I took another video and actually found that what I thought was the print head slowing down, causing an over-extrusion bulge, is actually a completely erroneous move in Y axis:

As you can see, this part is just a giant square, with large corner radii. There should be no negative Y movement as it begins that corner.

Posted : 26/09/2018 7:30 pm