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First layer problem with a large print  

New Member
First layer problem with a large print


I´m having troubles with a large print, the first layer always gets messed up (see attachments) in the middle of the bed. The strings won´t stick to each other or the bed. I think the Z-height is fine. I tried smaller prints and the first layer is perfect.

I clean the bed thoroughly with 99% IPA and weekly with acetone. PLA and the standard settings in Slic3er PE.

Tried to print this about seven times but I get a similar result. Any thought on whats the problem here?


Napsal : 13/01/2019 11:42 am
Illustrious Member
Re: First layer problem with a large print

Have you tried slowing layer 1 print speeds?

Napsal : 17/01/2019 11:10 am
New Member
Re: First layer problem with a large print

I'm experiencing the same results with MK3 if base is large area.
So far, I didn't figure out what is the cause.
The fact is that the print table has different temperatures on the edges and in the center. In my case the difference is 10-15 C
Also, I noticed that the results are different with different filaments. Even the same maker, but different colour.
With the problematic fillaments I tested different temperature settings of the nozzle and the bed, but it had no effect.
I wonder if anybody got deeper/futher in investigation of this issue......

Napsal : 23/01/2019 2:36 pm
Comrade Alex
New Member
Re: First layer problem with a large print

Same problem: 30x30 square prints flawless, 100x100 has peeling lines in the center.
Tried playing with bed level correction values, no luck. Wrote to support, no answer so far.

Napsal : 19/02/2019 12:44 am