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First Layer Haywire  

Active Member
First Layer Haywire

I have used my i3 MK3S+ several times since upgrading to Firmware v. 3.10.1-4697 without a problem using the same filament.

I tried printing from  G-code, which the website prohibits me from attaching. ??

About 10 lines oriented along the Y axis, were displaced 5 lines (.75 mm) in the + x direction and printed on top of already printed lines.  When the printer printed the next layer and crossed over the elevated lines, it ripped them off the bed along with the filament lines underneath.  

I manually aborted and tried again with the same result.

Attached is an image of the print I aborted.

Respondido : 01/03/2022 2:46 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layer Haywire - Solved

One of the zip ties on the cable to the extruder was not cut short enough.  When it was at the right spot, it collided with the heat bed screw, and pushed the whole assembly out of place.  (It also caused the XYZ calibration to fail.)

Respondido : 02/03/2022 2:39 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layer Haywire - Not Solved - X still misregistering.

My prior forum post was premature.  Although, cutting the zip tie shorter solved the problem of suddenly failing  calibration. It did not help with the prints. 

Some prints finish but are all distorted. Others are just ripped from the bed, when the print head crosses first layer lines parallel to the Y axis that were misprinted at the wrong X position, (on top of other lines).  It is reproducible, always at the same X positions

The X axis is misregistering.  The test pattern prints with knots on the zig zag line on every line at the same X position.  It seems that at certain X coordinate the X motor hesitates one pixel, deposits an extra drop of filament, and jumps 2 pixels.  I did the belt tension test, and it reads 266 - 268. 

I am out of ideas.  I am ready to sell this new printer for scrap metal. : (

Can anyone please help?  Is there a warranty for these printers?

Respondido : 03/03/2022 2:26 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layer Haywire - Fully solved

The gear on the x motor was loose and slipping.  Only needed to tighten the 2 screws.

Respondido : 03/03/2022 3:41 pm