Firmware suggestion
I have a suggestion for firmware feature on all Prusa's.. (If I should post this elsewhere, let me know) I've inadvertently done a Factory Reset about 4 times in the first 4 weeks of ownership (MK3S+ kit). When I cancel a job by hitting reset, the head stays on the print job and so I want to hit the black button to raise the Z.. but if you do this before the printer has processed the reset, you do a factory reset. There may be other bad things with a factory reset but the worse is the zeroing of the print hours on the printer. This is crucial to knowing when to service, so either the factory reset needs to be a lot harder to do.. or you don't zero that counter here.. Very bad .. even if bad user .. you want to preserve the hours on the printer at almost all costs.
RE: Firmware suggestion
The github for the MK3 firmware is here -
All bug reports and feature suggestions should be made there.
There are similar ones for the mini firmware and for Prusa Slicer.
RE: Firmware suggestion
Thanks.. just submitted.