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Firmware changes for generic motors  

New Member
Firmware changes for generic motors

Hi, I recently bought a MK2S to MK3 upgrade with the intention of sourcin my own motors. The motors that I have chosen for the job have the following specs:

Step Angle (degrees) : 0.9
Rated Voltage: 3V
Rated Current: 1.7A/Phase
5mm Diameter Drive Shaft
Holding Torque:

I know that for this to work I will need to make changes to the firmware, however, I was looking in the configuration.h file of the Prusa MK3 firmware and wasn't able to find where to change the steps per mm of every axis and where to control the amount of current the stepper drivers send to the motors.

Does anyone have any experience with this?


Opublikowany : 19/10/2018 8:39 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Firmware changes for generic motors

I looked at this with my delta printer and there you have to go to the duet controller to make full use of 0.9 step but they do give better resolution, and unlike the stock Rambo controller on my Delta , the duet can run at a step rate to fully make use of the .9 motors.

now that constraint on using them on the delta may just be due to the greater computational needs of the delta geometry so I can't advise you on using them on the MK3 and its Rambo derived controller with this delta conversion we also change fro 20 tooth drive cogs to 16 tooth drive cogs also to make best use out of the .9 step

Opublikowany : 19/10/2018 10:23 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Firmware changes for generic motors

I don't mind buying 1.8 degree motors, but I want to know where are the changes in the firmware needed so I can make them, that is my main concern.

With a geeetech using Marlin firmware I once fixed it was easy to change the steps per mm as the value was in configuration.h, and I could control the voltage sent to the motors by using a potentiometer in the stepper drivers. I know that the voltage and current sent to the motors with the prusa firmware using an einsy board is software controlled, but I don't know where these values are to change them.

Opublikowany : 19/10/2018 10:35 pm