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Firmware 3.1.3 Collision Y-Axis
I received the Prusa i3 MK3 kit and finished assembling it. I updated the firmware to 3.1.3 and start the self test. When it comes to the axis there is a collision with the y-axis. (it seems the stepmotor wants to go a little bit more than allowed (at the LCD Display side).
I checked if I made a mistake, but didn't found any problems. (it's not so difficult: are the linear bearings in correct position and are there some cables wrong - everything correct).
Now comes the funny part: when I downgrade to firmware 3.1.2: NO PROBLEM! nothing everything is working fine...
any idea, what the problem is?
(i downloaded several time and reinstalled the new firmware, but always the same collision)
Respondido : 25/04/2018 10:47 am