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Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.  

Chuck B
Active Member
Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

Firmware 3.9.0-3421 sorts by alphabetic, but not by time required to make the part.


Posted : 29/08/2020 3:36 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

It was my understanding that sort by time was the timestamp that the gcode was created or modified, not by how much time it takes to print.  I think you also have to set how the files are sorted from the lcd menu system as an option.

Posted : 29/08/2020 7:45 am
Chuck B
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

I am sure you are right, it would be nice to have an option to sort by build time.

I do not leave my printer running when I am not here or I am sleeping.

I have to scroll thru the list to search for one that will fit in the time I want the printer to run.

I hope they see this and can add the option.






Posted : 29/08/2020 3:14 pm
Moderator Moderator
RE: Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

It's unlikely anyone from Prusa will see it on here, I suggest you make a Feature Request over on the Official GitHub Issues here:

Posted : 29/08/2020 3:18 pm
Chuck B
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

Thanks, I am new to 3D printing and thank everyone for the help!



Posted : 29/08/2020 3:45 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

You can change the format that the files are named as by altering the output options in a print profile. If you move the print time placeholder to the start of the sequence , then if sorted alphanumerically then the files would be in print time order. You don’t need any change to the software to do that. 

Posted : 29/08/2020 3:49 pm
3Delight liked
Chuck B
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

Thank you for the info, I will look at that. I had thought of renaming the files and putting the time at the front but did not know how it would affect things. Does this have to be done in slicer or can I just rename the files?

This post was modified 5 years ago by Chuck B
Posted : 29/08/2020 4:02 pm
Chuck B
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

Although being able to switch between Alphabetic and build time using the lcd would be much better for me.

I still would like to be able to quickly sort by name of the part. I have asked this on the other site that was listed above.

Posted : 29/08/2020 4:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Firmware 3.9.0-3421 not sorting G code by time.

You can rename the files however you like, manually or otherwise.

Personally though I would just modify and save an updated print profile in slicer.

Under - Print Settings> Output Options- you normally have something like 


If you change that to
then the gcode files exported when using that print profile will have the print time at the start.  

So any system that is sorting files based on alphanumerics should then list them in that order.  

Posted : 29/08/2020 5:18 pm