Finally upgraded firmware and all hell broke loose - "some problem encountered, z leveling enforced"
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Finally upgraded firmware and all hell broke loose - "some problem encountered, z leveling enforced"  

Finally upgraded firmware and all hell broke loose - "some problem encountered, z leveling enforced"

I'll try and keep this short and factual:

Updated firmware to 3.13.2 from 3.12.2 because it was nagging. 

I started a print, walked away, when I came back a few hours later, it didn't start. "some problem encountered, z leveling enforced..."

It goes down, Head crashes and pushes the bed down, then goes all the way to the top, then back down and repeat. I hit reset, And then it went through the printer setup wizard. I cancelled it first, tried printing, same issue. 

I went through the setup wizard, End stops work fine, I took the spring steel sheet off and replaced with a paper to calibrate as per instructions, and it circles around until it smashes into the bed and I have to reset to prevent my bed/nozzle from being borked. 

I went into sensors and the PINDA says 0.  I put the steel sheet flat below the nozzle, and it still says zero. Once I physically Touch the PINDA with the steel sheet it USUALLY goes to 1, but frequently flashes to zero - depending on the angle I hold the sheet. I can't complete the wizard, and I can't start a print, but its clear that the pinda is wired in ok, as if I put a big piece of metal by it, it detects it, but the PEI sheet I've been  using for months is not reliably detected all of a sudden?

Printer is exactly a year old., only about 29 days of print time. 

Publié : 24/12/2023 4:50 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Finally upgraded firmware and all hell broke loose - "some problem encountered, z leveling enforced"
Posted by: @sudz

I'll try and keep this short and factual:

Updated firmware to 3.13.2 from 3.12.2 because it was nagging. 

I started a print, walked away, when I came back a few hours later, it didn't start. "some problem encountered, z leveling enforced..."

It goes down, Head crashes and pushes the bed down, then goes all the way to the top, then back down and repeat. I hit reset, And then it went through the printer setup wizard. I cancelled it first, tried printing, same issue. 

I went through the setup wizard, End stops work fine, I took the spring steel sheet off and replaced with a paper to calibrate as per instructions, and it circles around until it smashes into the bed and I have to reset to prevent my bed/nozzle from being borked. 

I went into sensors and the PINDA says 0.  I put the steel sheet flat below the nozzle, and it still says zero. Once I physically Touch the PINDA with the steel sheet it USUALLY goes to 1, but frequently flashes to zero - depending on the angle I hold the sheet. I can't complete the wizard, and I can't start a print, but its clear that the pinda is wired in ok, as if I put a big piece of metal by it, it detects it, but the PEI sheet I've been  using for months is not reliably detected all of a sudden?

Printer is exactly a year old., only about 29 days of print time.



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Publié : 24/12/2023 11:38 am
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