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Filament Sensor wiring error  

New Member
Filament Sensor wiring error

I just flashed 3.2.1 firmware and went to re-run the calibration wizard. At the filament sensor check it failed for wiring problems. When I first built the kit i didn't have this error. What should I try?


Publié : 24/05/2018 11:40 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Filament Sensor wiring error

Power off the printer and power it back on. I've seen several people post about this problem after flashing, and after a power cycle it seems to go away.

Publié : 24/05/2018 11:49 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Filament Sensor wiring error

Nevermind. Works after rebooting now.

Publié : 24/05/2018 11:58 pm
Active Member
Re: Filament Sensor wiring error

I also have this issue and I just finished my build 5/28/18.
Rebooting did not fix the issue for me.

Also flashed firmware to 3.2.1 last night. No fix

Self test on all parts before this passes. Haven't completed a calibration yet.

My error

This is the error generated in the video of mine: (sorry vertical vid)

Here's a video of me verifying connections

Verified that the sensor is in the correct orientation per this instruction:

At the time of writing this post, I am sending an email to [email protected] for any further assistance.

Publié : 29/05/2018 7:56 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Filament Sensor wiring error

Join the club. I'm not 100% sure if mine started after the firmware, or due to my repairs, because they all happened at the same time while I was trying to fix a XYZ calibration issue. Given the failure of so many filament sensors and a new design for one, I wonder if it's hardware or firmware?

I'm also starting to wonder if my extrusion problems are related, because the printer doesn't have a functional sensor, it's just running without it... poorly.

Publié : 30/05/2018 6:56 am
New Member
Re: Filament Sensor wiring error

I just assembled my I3 MK3 (Aug. 8, 2018) and I am having the same issue. I checked the orientation and integrity of the cable connections. I checked to make sure the cable was not damaged. I checked for continuity on each pin of the cable. Everything is what it should be yet it fails the filament sensor test in the self test setup. I see others have had the same situation. Was there any solution?

Publié : 09/08/2018 4:24 am
New Member
RE: Filament Sensor wiring error

I'm having the same issues... how you guys solved the problem?

Publié : 04/03/2020 4:08 am
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