Filament comes out thin as string after couple hours of normal print~~~HELP~~~
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Filament comes out thin as string after couple hours of normal print~~~HELP~~~  

Daphne T.
New Member
Filament comes out thin as string after couple hours of normal print~~~HELP~~~

1st time it happened was after I changed the filament (From Esun Black PETG to MH Build Clear PETG ) to start printing an old design. Immediately notice the filament came up extremely thin (thin like bad print stringing) during looping around the bed and hardly stick on it. Before it happened, it has printed hours by using those two scoops of filaments and not notice any issues.  

Assume it's partial clog I cleaned the nozzle---needle poking, cold pull... still not working till I changed the nozzle. 

Everything looks finally back to normal and it happened again after completed about 4 parts print.

This time, it happened from the last top solid layer of the last print. The print didn't seem to have any other issue besides the nearly disappearing the last top solid layer. But after that, the filament just came up thin again that can't print anything. 

Did the cleaning procedure again just FYI.  Don't think it clogged because I can push my thin pin all the way from feeder down to the nozzle and pull nothing out. 

Looked normal when I load or just direct extrude the filament. It came up straight and right thickness(See pic). But when I do the 1st layer calibration it became thin again. Try tighten and loosen the idle gear and change nothing. Changed to pink PLA and seems a bit thicker but still not extrude consistently. (See pic of pink 1st layer calibration)

My Live Z is on -0.650 which is actually not high since I adjust from 0 when I did the first layer calibration. Before it happened, the setting was -0.680 ~ -0.700.

I am sort of a beginner. But I have changed PTFE twice before so I think I kind of know what PTFE clog looks like. Anyone has the same experience and know what's happening ???? 😥 😥 😭 😰 HELP~~~~~

BTW- This printer has 76 days of printing hours and never has too many issues. Software is updated

1st layer calibration under extrude Direct extrude



Veröffentlicht : 17/09/2020 6:07 am
RE: Filament comes out thin as string after couple hours of normal print~~~HELP~~~

Maybe a partial clog.  Try a cold pull or cleaning filament:

  1. Cold pull
  2. Novamaker Cleaning filament

Cleaning filament can be used as a cold pull, but I use it like on Rigi-ink.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 28/09/2020 5:04 pm
Daphne T.
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Filament comes out thin as string after couple hours of normal print~~~HELP~~~



  Thanks for being the person who responded to my post. The partial clog was the first thought in my head so I have done cold pull already. I use cleaning filament every time I change filament so that has already covered. Figure's because the little screw on top of the Idel drive gear falls off. It's the one that likes rice size screw and also I wasn't the one assemble the Prusa so I didn't know that part should be there. Surprisingly it can fall off and lucky I found the screw and put it back. The next time I know is every problem has been solved. Never thought that can happen especially it's so small. From now, I check that screw often to ensure it won't fall again. Finding that little screw is very frustrated. 

   Thank you very much for checking my post.

Veröffentlicht : 28/09/2020 6:55 pm