Filament Autoload question
I have a question about the filament autoload option (MK3S). I have the filament sensor on and autoload enabled. I often switch between colors of filament. I unload one color and then want to load another spool of a different color. I thought that with the autoload option on all I would need to do is put the new filament in the hole and it would immediately start loading. It does not. I have to turn off autoload and go back and "Load filament" manually.
Is this expected behavior or am I doing something wrong? Note that I was using an older firmware (3.9.0 I think) but I updated to the latest firmware and the same behavior happens.
RE: Filament Autoload question
I have a question about the filament autoload option (MK3S). I have the filament sensor on and autoload enabled. I often switch between colors of filament. I unload one color and then want to load another spool of a different color. I thought that with the autoload option on all I would need to do is put the new filament in the hole and it would immediately start loading. It does not. I have to turn off autoload and go back and "Load filament" manually.
Is this expected behavior or am I doing something wrong? Note that I was using an older firmware (3.9.0 I think) but I updated to the latest firmware and the same behavior happens.
Maybe this post will help you:
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