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Fan blips make PWM applications unusable  

Active Member
Fan blips make PWM applications unusable

Hi there, I'm curios as of why and since when does the fan ramp up to 100% whenever any M106 Sxxx value is sent to the printer? Is there a way to disable this? The bliping of the fan makes laser applications only usable at full power, renders PWM control unusable.
Is this somehow related to some setting I'm overlooking? Help please.

Publié : 17/01/2019 2:34 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Fan blips make PWM applications unusable

Fan blipping is usually something controlled by the slicer. I know S3D has a feature specifically for this. I'm not aware of Slic3rPE or Cura having it, and in fact wrote a post-processing script to add it for Slic3rPE when trying slower (<30%) fan speeds. What slicer are you using? Can you upload some sample gcode?

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 17/01/2019 2:44 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Fan blips make PWM applications unusable

Nothing to do with slicer. This is straight Gcode sent over via Pronterface and from the settings menu under temperature/fan speed. Anytime there's a fan speed set and the fan was stationary before (M107) it will first ramp up the speed to 100% and then lower it to the value.

Publié : 17/01/2019 9:01 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Fan blips make PWM applications unusable

I inspected the firmware source code on github, and I couldn't see anything that would make it do that. Where to ask this question?

Publié : 17/01/2019 10:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Fan blips make PWM applications unusable

Turns out it's a line item in the firmware (Configuration_adv.h). To disable it, FAN_KICKSTART_TIME 0 needs to be set and the firmware recompiled.

Publié : 18/01/2019 12:15 am
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