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Extrusion error with clicking sounds - How to solve
During printing I could hear several clicks and obviously there is too less filament extruded, refer to attached videos. I activated filament change during printing, to be able to unload and load filament gain, but still the clicking sounds are there (also during leasing of filament):
It seems, as if the filament can't be grabbed correct or can't be extruded. The filament has also some "damages" due to the grabbing, refer to attached picture.
What might be defective here and how to solve it?
Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 1 year par Hell
Publié : 03/11/2023 8:23 am
Topic starter
RE: Extrusion error with clicking sounds - How to solve
I guess, I have solved it by myself. I did two cold-pulls with PLA and it seems, as if the problem is now solved.
Publié : 03/11/2023 11:20 am