Extruder not working when on right side of the printer
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[Rozwiązany] Extruder not working when on right side of the printer  

Active Member
Extruder not working when on right side of the printer

Hello Prusa-Community,

my printer is driving me mad. I have a really weird issue with my extruder, it stops extruding when it is on the right side of the printer. It is not related to the bed height or anything as it is also happening when it's just hanging in the air and I simply send a command to extract 10mm - it is working until a certain spot, when going further to the right, extrusion stops.

What I have tried so far:
- Complete firmware reset and recalibration<
- Disassembled, cleaned, retightened the extruder, applied grease, cleaned bondtech
- Verified the screw on the bondtech gears / extruder motor, it is tightened as per manual
- Changed the Nozzle
- Quadrouple checked bed is level (as I first thought this is the issue)
- Checked motor cables, re-done wiring, checked cables with multimeter
- Ordered original prusament PLA &gt; same issue
- Compared GCODE
- Downloaded gcode file from prusaprinter.org and printed it, it has the same issue
- M503 comparison

All without any success

urrently I can recreate it like this:
- Preheat for PLA
- from Octoprint or menu, move extruder like 10cm up and into the middle, extrude some Filament - all fine, it is extruding as it should.

Move extruder further to the right, extrusion stops, extruder is just clicking
There is NO pull on the filament, the extruder can move freely, there is some sort of a spot where printing just stops.

It doesn't matter where the bed is. I can manually feed through filament when in that position.
There is nothing wrong with the cables, the idler is OK, there is no pull on the filament.

I am completely unable to print on the right side of the printer. This started all out of a sudden and I am kind of lost and unable to figure out what's wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am struggling with this for two weeks and it is really driving me mad.


Opublikowany : 09/02/2020 11:48 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Extruder not working when on right side of the printer

I think i finally found it, broken cable where the cables enter the einsy case. Did not show up when checking it with a Multimeter, but it immediately happened when pinching the cable with a finger.


Replacement ordered.

Opublikowany : 09/02/2020 10:23 pm
Noble Member
RE: Extruder not working when on right side of the printer

I love it when a cause actually explains the symptoms!

Good job finding it. And consider stocking enough supplies to do things like repair cables.

I think I have enough wire, connectors, and crimpers now to build another printer from scratch...

Opublikowany : 10/02/2020 12:55 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Extruder not working when on right side of the printer


Thanks, this was really difficult to find, felt like the machine was haunted 🙂


Opublikowany : 10/02/2020 6:41 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Extruder not working when on right side of the printer

Just for documentation.. this is how a broken cable might look like when printing. 

Opublikowany : 10/02/2020 6:51 am
Alexander Nieuwland
New Member
RE: Extruder not working when on right side of the printer



I am having a similar issue. In your case, what kind of cable did you replace?



Opublikowany : 03/05/2022 11:23 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Extruder not working when on right side of the printer


it was the extruder motor cable that had some sort of a break where the cable enters the einsy case on the back.

Hope it helps,


Opublikowany : 03/05/2022 12:12 pm