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[Resuelto] Extruder Dragging over Filament it just extruded  

Active Member
Extruder Dragging over Filament it just extruded

Here is a video better showing the issue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q3jilnk8c9b0npc/20190520_175325_1.mp4?dl=0

I've had this printer for six months and this issue just came up. On every 2-3 rotations of perimeters, the extruder starts vibrating (only extruder) and start makes a humming/dragging noise. I am using filament I use quite frequently (atomic petg), and made no changes to the profiles/settings recently. Additionally, this only does this when doing the perimeters. It does the solid infill perfectly fine, and it's going 30% faster during that operation compared to perimeters. The dragging issue seems to be consistently in the same spots but doesn't occur in the same spot necessarily every occurrence. I've attached the g code I am using (please note that I am using a steel nozzle, which is why my temperature is higher than usual)

Things I've tried, and no change:
- tightened spring for idler
- added machine oil to bearings
- verified using correct profiles
- added slack to filament (zero tension from filament)
- grub screw on extruder tight
- pinda probe calibration
- XYZ calibration
- cold pull
- replaced power cord
- resliced model
- increased temperature on filament
- reduced volumetric flow rate
- reduced layer height (0.32 to 0.3)
- checked bed level
- x axis pulley tight and secured
- increase z lift from 0.1 to 0.2

Thank you in advance!

Respondido : 21/05/2019 2:26 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Extruder Dragging over Filament it just extruded

could this be very narrow infill between outer perimeters and inner perimeters


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 21/05/2019 6:45 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Extruder Dragging over Filament it just extruded

Hi Joan,

During this particular operation, it has zero infill, it is only doing perimeters (she'll only). Just to be clear, there is an air gap between the inside perimeter and outside perimeter.

Respondido : 21/05/2019 2:34 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Extruder Dragging over Filament it just extruded

Have you checked the E motor cable? What's surprising is that the extruder starts turning faster when it makes those sounds. There seems to be some problem with stepping control at particular places in the print, which would point to a problem with the cable as it bends. The problem doesn't seem to be coming from a contact of the nozzle and the print to me.

Respondido : 21/05/2019 2:56 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Extruder Dragging over Filament it just extruded


So I did a couple of things, I did check the cable and nothing appeared wrong with it. I also ensured that the connector was pushed up into the extruder pins connection. I also printed a different model that had more complex shapes and what not. I made sure that the feeds/speed were the same in both the model I have been having issues with and the test model. When I ran the test model, I had no issues or symptoms of the issue. Would that leave it to be a slicer issue then? If so, I am not sure why it's doing it now nor why this particular model.


Respondido : 21/05/2019 11:09 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Extruder Dragging over Filament it just extruded

Update #2 - I updated my slicer to Slic3r 2.0 (I was on beta), and the issue went away. Issue resolved.

Respondido : 22/05/2019 12:55 pm