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Extruder calibration problems  

Active Member
Extruder calibration problems

I just finished to assemble the Mkiii kit.
I tried to have a correct first layer: not ok.
Seems the spool holder included in the kit is so bad that it apply to much resistance to the extruder.
I tried to unwind it the result was the same: with the oem procedure for first layer calibration the little rectangle had edges that stick to the nozzle.
Installed the latest firmware
I run the config wizard once again.
I read about extruder config and run the pronterface installed with Prusa slic3r last release.
And here the things became fuzzy.
M92 command give E280.
Trying to adjusting it sending G1 E100 F100 commands and recalibrating it showed some strange behaviour about my feeder step motor.
Sometimes the command unloaded the filament instead of loading it.
Sometimes I heard some grinding for half a second, just a few filament loaded and nothing more.
Sometimes did never stopped to load the filament.
Any idea?

Thank you in advance

P.S: the first layer calibration gone quite smoothly with the holder firmware, but, even with preheat, it was inconsistent over time. Then the printer started to grab the edges of the test and I started the process described.

Napsal : 12/01/2019 9:59 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Extruder calibration problems

If the extruder isn't feeding, check the Bondtech gear axle on the door; if not installed correctly, the extruder fails. Search the forum, there's a good post about the issue and how to fix it, with video.

Napsal : 07/02/2019 6:14 pm