Extremely hot motor
Hello guys I have a summer problem here. I have my machines since winter and now we are in summer and it's really hot here. I never had problems with the gears skipping on the filament. But I also never did print in summer before or tried to print PETG. Well my motor it's getting so hot that I can barely touch it for a few seconds. Last week I couldn't even print PLA and the prusa chat recommended to add thermal paste inside the extruder. And that fixed the issue but only with PLA. Now that I am working with PETG with higher temperature after 1 hour of printing I start getting the motor so hot and the gears don't grab real well filament. I had a problem like that before also with PET. At 270 degrees Celsius. Now I am printing at 255 degrees Celsius and I still have problems. Any advice on how to fix this issue? I have read that adding a fan on top of the motor will help to cool down the motor but will that help with the skipping problem? I have the tension screw just right and even if I slow down the printing speed I get the skipping. Thanks for the help.
RE: Extremely hot motor
If the motors get that hot, I don't wanna know how your TMC2209 drivers will feel in their sauna..
I dont understand why they don't add a simple blower or some good heatsinks to the board.
Skipping is more often caused by too hot motor drivers. Sure, if your stepper itself is glowing, this could also be a cause.
Printing on hot summer days could also be as hard as on cold winter days with extremely low ambient temperature.
Give it a try (you dont have to install a fan properly, simply use something that blows the heat "a bit away" and watch if there is
any improvement.
Kind regards
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RE: Extremely hot motor
Wait, MINI was not out half a year ago... how did you get it? Were you some super-early-pre-alpha tester? 😮
Either way, if you have MK3, people had some success with sticking aluminum heatsinks to motor which helps dissipate heat a bit. Airflow helps too but don't blow on print area, prints will warp.
RE: Extremely hot motor
Let us know your ambient temperatures. Hot motor on the MK3 ( I assume you have MK3 and not Mini ) is nothing unusual.
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RE: Extremely hot motor
I regulated my extrudertemp. problems (over 60 degree) with a simple 40x40 noctua fan and a printed housing. The temperatures dropped to 35 degrees.
additional weight: approx. 20 grams. Air blows to the Extruder gears and not to the printbed. I used an external Meanwell 12V Powerunit.
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RE: Extremely hot motor
Thanks for the reply. I already try a house fan that I place near the printer blowing from bottom to top. it did not help at all in the problem. but it did reduce the temperature of the motor a bit.
RE: Extremely hot motor
oh my god I am sorry I did not realized that this was the mini forum section. I saw the problem I was reading and I decided to post and I did not look correctly. I have the MK3S
RE: Extremely hot motor
I have the MK3S and today for example temperature here in my city its 32 degrees celcius. inside my room it gets easily at 35. I dont have a thermoter. I am waiting to arrive here in the mail soon.
RE: Extremely hot motor
oh my god I am sorry I did not realized that this was the mini forum section. I saw the problem I was reading and I decided to post and I did not look correctly. I have the MK3S
Lol that's ok, we figured 😀 But you never know, you could have been tester of some early unit who faces problem with hot motor now, but I guess in tgat case you are close enough to Prusa Research that you wouldn't need to go to public forums. Now, of all the initial complaints about MINI I haven't seen hot extruder motor yet.
If it causes issues with extrusion, you may be facing heat creep from hot motor to gears and in that case cooling motor may be a good idea.
RE: Extremely hot motor
Moving to the correct thread, probably more people will join.
even an old man can learn new things 🙂
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