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Double tapping only after bed heated  

New Member
Double tapping only after bed heated

So I'm noticing double tapping during mesh levelling only when temp set at 50c or higher. When the bed is cold I have no double tapping when attempting a mesh level.

It's nothing urgent prints seem to be fine but would love to know or even fix the issue all other self tests are passing.

MKS3+ (Z offset set about -1.533)

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 2 years par codevski
Publié : 24/08/2022 1:06 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Double tapping only after bed heated

As long as your prints are finishing as expected, it’s nothing to be concerned about.

The steel print-sheet will expand and contract with temperature. This is why you always want to pre-heat the print bed before starting a new print. 

The printer is doing exactly what it needs to do. The double-tap is the firmware making sure it has a proper mesh bed map. I use the 7x7 mesh bed leveling and have one spot on the bed that always double-taps. Never caused a problem with a print.

Just enjoy your printer and don’t worry about it.


Publié : 25/08/2022 3:00 pm
Famed Member
RE: Double tapping only after bed heated

My machine (MK3S) seldom double-taps when heated to PLA temperatures.

However, when heated to ABS temperatures, it will often double-tap in a few locations, usually toward the rear of the build plate.  I'm very sure that this is due to some minor dimensional changes due to the heat (~100C v. ~60C).

I see this as a Good Thing (tm) and not a Bad Thing (tm) as the machine gets 'soundings' that are different from what are expected and is doing what it's supposed to do in correcting for the slight differences in build plate height at points on the surface.

The machine puts out consistently good prints in both PLA and ABS, so I conclude that the process of auto bed leveling is working properly.


Publié : 25/08/2022 10:50 pm
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