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Does MK3 come with spare PTFE tubes for extruder?  

Estimable Member
Does MK3 come with spare PTFE tubes for extruder?

Hi folks,

Got my first blocked extruder after an overnight print that completed (can only guess filament stayed too long after print completed without doing anything and clogged somehow).

Planning to disassemble the extruder however before I do, can anyone confirm if the MK3 comes with spare PTFE tubes for the extruder - I can't recall if I had any or not!

If not, any good UK suppliers/Amazon sellers welcome!

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2019 10:17 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Does MK3 come with spare PTFE tubes for extruder?

my kit did not have extras but they are easy to make Prusa provides detailed instructions on how to make and install them.

in the UK i would buy from E3D and you may want to print a ptfe cutting set like this one from Area51
get the blue 1.75version of these as well and use them to lock your new tube in place

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2019 10:59 pm
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Does MK3 come with spare PTFE tubes for extruder?

Useful, thanks!

Had a go and found the wee blob inside the PTFE tube, so all working again - I'll buy all these as sure I'll need to replace at some point (especially given how addictive 3d printing is!)

What's the difference with the blue tube out of interest? Saw someone else mentioned that too but didn't explain why

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2019 11:50 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Does MK3 come with spare PTFE tubes for extruder?

Shrug... some say it is more accurate in its ID however that can also mean that it does less well in setups with sharper bends. I just use it in quite straight segments with the bowden system on my delta.... the folks around here with MMU setups I expect know far more about it than I used in longer lengths on the Prusa. on my Prusa I used it for new ptfe tubes in the extruder/hot end as it is what I had available glad you problem is resolved I had the same thing happen on my first fillimrent change aft I finished my build... From Bobstro over at this web page I learned a very cool trick dealing with major clogs and from the event I learned how important that little missing collet lock is.
this is from Bob's web pages
the trick works for otherwise killer clogs between the ptfe and the nozzle if the Ptfe backs away a bit from the the top of the heat break

Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2019 3:43 am