Display motor current and stallguard threshold in terminal?
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Display motor current and stallguard threshold in terminal?  

Active Member
Display motor current and stallguard threshold in terminal?

I've been experimenting with different motors, just playing with things really and I've had varying degrees of success getting sensorless homing to work. The problem that I'm encountering now is actually with the standard LDO motors - it seems that my previous settings for stallguard sensitivity (which had to be significantly higher in most cases) don't seem to be cleared when I flash the einsy with standard Prusa firmware. I say this because during the first time calibration wizard, the X and Y home correctly during the first homing procedure but Z will not move up to touch the end stops. Proceeding further, when it does the home calibration, the X axis stallguard seems to trip early, resulting in the 'home' position moving a couple of mm to the right at every 'bounce'. I'm sure I'm missing a step or overlooking something. I haven't tried flashing from the arduino IDE yet as I've just been using Prusa Slicer to write the .hex file. BTW, belt tension seems to be right and pulleys are secure.

I thought I read here on the forums at one point, a terminal command to display the TMC2130 settings - I would think that would show motor currents and stallguard sensitivity? I've searched and can't find the thread though. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Opublikowany : 26/07/2019 1:26 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Display motor current and stallguard threshold in terminal?

So, as it turns out - the DEBUG_BUILD and/or the TMC2130_DEBUG defs have to be uncommented in order to enable the M913 command which will print the motor currents for each axis. When I did that, I noticed that they were all in fact set to the correct currents that get set in the firmware. So that's not the problem. 


I did find the problem though. It was the strain relief on the extruder. The 3mm filament length that provides rigidity to the wire bundle going from the top of the electronics box to the back of the extruder was not secured in the hole that it slips into at the top of the electronics box. This was causing the wire bundle to be out of alignment when the extruder was moved all the way to the left side of the X-axis and push against the back end of the electronics box - it seems that little bit of extra resistance was causing the stall guard to trip early.


Seems to be homing correctly now and everything is peachy. I hope this post helps someone save at least a few hours of troubleshooting. I'd have called tech support if everything on this machine was exactly as Jo intended but I thought it wouldn't be fair to take their time up on something I'd botched up myself. 

Opublikowany : 27/07/2019 2:43 pm