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Did I break my filament sensor  

Trusted Member
Did I break my filament sensor

I tried replacing the filament sensor cover with this, and now my filament sensor doesn't work anymore.

Here's a closeup shot of it.

Did I break my filament sensor? I think I did, but before I spend the money, I want to be sure.


I hope that picture works!

Napsal : 13/05/2018 5:38 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Did I break my filament sensor

Can't see a picture, just an icon:

403. That’s an error.

Your client does not have permission to get URL /e87gRNpynFTB_4xh22gg1aoqYfe2NoHvhJhW5Lz202W-9NFZKqF-hqMUVaDDa9QctoFbEQxL4MdDKrReJNuL=w1366-h637-rw from this server.

Attach the picture using the attach link.

Napsal : 13/05/2018 6:19 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Did I break my filament sensor

I'm sorry about that. It showed up in preview, so I thought it was OK. I've attached it to the reply, I think.

Napsal : 13/05/2018 8:47 pm
Martin Wolfe
Reputable Member
Re: Did I break my filament sensor

Yes your filament sensor is broken. However I doubt the new cover broke it as the damage is due to heat and not mechanical stress. Before paying for a replacement I suggest contacting support via live chat as a burnt out filament sensor is a common fault due to a design flaw. Apparently Prusa are updating the design of the sensor at the moment.


Martin Wolfe

Napsal : 13/05/2018 11:22 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Did I break my filament sensor

give them the URl for this thead on the forum. and tell them there is a picture, here

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 13/05/2018 11:28 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Did I break my filament sensor

I know I broke it. It was working fine, and then I installed the new cover. In order to get the PTE tube into the new head far enough, I had to screw it in and allow that to force it. That stress is what broke it. This is, to me, a clear case of abuse.

Thanks for helping confirm it's broken. Like I said, I thought it was, but wanted to be sure.


Napsal : 13/05/2018 11:38 pm