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I have just updated my Mk3's Firmware to the latest version. Prior to this, I have been suffering from decalibrations at random. Could the out of date firmware cause this?

Postato : 03/01/2019 4:39 am
Honorable Member
Re: Decalibration

Do you mean that when you check your Z offset? Let's say you have it set for -720mm and next time you turn on the printer and check the Z height it's ZERO?
A few months ago and I don't know which version of firmware, but I could swear that I had that same problem. I don't know what I did, but I haven't had an issue lately. I have upgraded the firmware at least two or three times.
I think what I may have done was to re-flash the firmware.

Just remember, when you go through calibration it saves the Z values, but while you're printing and you adjust the Z height you have to save it or it will disappear when you turn the printer off.
I've got both of my MK3's disconnected and under the desk while I re-arrange the office so I can't look at the exact method of saving.

Postato : 03/01/2019 5:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Decalibration

No, I mean that suddenly it would no longer print correctly (e.g. the first layer height was no longer correct, or it couldn't make it past mesh bed leveling)

Postato : 03/01/2019 5:50 am
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Decalibration

try a factory full reset (all data) you may have corupt data that needs to be cleared

Postato : 03/01/2019 6:00 am