Dead MK3
I need help with my MK3. After updating my nozzle, heat cartridge and thermistor, My printer is dead. I was doing calibration prints then all of a sudden my printer just stopped. The LCD screen turned off, basically a complete shut down. It no longer powers up. I have checked the fuses and they look good. I checked the wiring and everything looks connected.
Not sure what the problems is. This is an MK3 that is barely two years old. It has been a work horse. Did I somehow short out the main board? Did my power supply die on me? Do I just start ordering replacement powersupply and/or main board and start swapping parts out?
Thanks, all!
Stay safe, stay home!
RE: Dead MK3
I need help with my MK3. After updating my nozzle, heat cartridge and thermistor, My printer is dead. I was doing calibration prints then all of a sudden my printer just stopped. The LCD screen turned off, basically a complete shut down. It no longer powers up. I have checked the fuses and they look good. I checked the wiring and everything looks connected.
Not sure what the problems is. This is an MK3 that is barely two years old. It has been a work horse. Did I somehow short out the main board? Did my power supply die on me? Do I just start ordering replacement powersupply and/or main board and start swapping parts out?
Thanks, all!
Stay safe, stay home!
The power supply is most likely defective. If you have a multimeter, you could check the voltage. The value should be approx. 24V. in this case i would consider buying a 350watt meanwell power supply.
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