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Customs Gcode learning  

Customs Gcode learning

Hi, can anyone point me to some good resources for writing custom gcode to get some simple, non print driven moves out of my MK3s? Good as in, I have written no gcode previously and need it broken  down to basics.

I would like to use my MK3s to assist with a project. The moves I would like is to set a bed temp and a Z heigh and move the Y axis back and forth slowly. If the proof of concept works out (the project as a whole, the printer can obviously do this) then I’d move on to adding a couple of holds to allow fiddling with the stuff on the bed.

Does anyone have any good links to projects where a printer has been used as a handy precision gantry rather than an actual printer? 

Publié : 11/08/2023 6:33 am
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