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Custom Firmware Freeze on Upload Complete  

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Custom Firmware Freeze on Upload Complete

So I'm uploading some very minor tweaked firmware.  I'm using:

Arduino 1.8.5 (1.8.10 wouldn't compile)

Mk3 3.7.2 (switched to this one at the same time as switching to 1.8.5 due to a forum post advice)

I modified the platform.txt per the github documentation

It now compiles just great.  Connects to the printer on COM4 no issues.  Starts to upload, I get the little star bouncing left and right on the LCD.  But then when the upload completes, the LCD freezes.  Resetting or cycling power gives the initial boot screen, but doesn't get past the 3 dots in the lower  right corner.

Re-flashing to latest Prusa firmware through slic3r works fine.     


Any thoughts here?  Seems like a setting or a version incompatibility somewhere, but I don't know where without just spending hours on hours blindly guessing.  

Veröffentlicht : 09/02/2020 3:45 am