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Crash detected, resumed, zero temps  

Reputable Member
Crash detected, resumed, zero temps

Not sure if this is cause for celebration but I just experienced my very first crash detection. Yay?!?!?!

But something weird happened. Besides not seeing a reason for the crash, the printer went to home and it decided to resume printing. I said: "ok, weird but at least I won't lose the print". The weird part is that it resumed but the target nozzle and bed temps were ZERO. Of course it resumed printing but the temperature started to go down. I had Octoprint connected so I quickly set them to 210 and 60 and print resumed just fine.

Update: Print finished, checked failed statistics and there is a 1 crash on Y. My poor doggy looks like Frankenstein with a line in the middle of his body. My belts have 281 tension on X and 274 tension on Y.

2 questions:
1. Why would it detect a crash? How do I investigate this to prevent it again (besides disabling crash detection)?
2. Is it a firmware bug to resume after crash detection but to set both target temps to zero?

I'm using Firmware 3.2.1. Did a factory reset and went through entire calibration process. Tuned lived Z and e-correction.
This happened at 92% of printing


Veröffentlicht : 19/05/2018 9:34 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Crash detected, resumed, zero temps

Both of your issues are bugs. The Y axis detects crashes for an unknown reason sometimes, and the temps dropping to 0 started with the official 3.2.0 firmware.

Veröffentlicht : 21/05/2018 2:12 pm
Reputable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Crash detected, resumed, zero temps

Thanks Karl. I opened an issue on github for the temp error. I will tighten my y axis more (is now at 273) and test again y crashes.

Veröffentlicht : 21/05/2018 4:34 pm
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: Crash detected, resumed, zero temps

273 should be enough, just disable the crash detection for the moment until this bug is fixed.

Veröffentlicht : 21/05/2018 9:05 pm