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Color change NOT WORKING with 2.8.0 update  

Active Member
Color change NOT WORKING with 2.8.0 update

It has come to my attention that the color change does not work when slicing with prusa slicer. It is displayed in the info window in the slicer that a change is there but when I put the SD card in my MK3S+ no color change is displayed on the screen just the total time. Additionally when I try to add a pause print to substitute for a color change it will not add the pause print at all. This was all working fine before the recent update but now,.. nothing. Am I the only one or is this an OOPS! in the update?

Posted : 29/06/2024 4:14 pm
Carl A
Estimable Member
RE: Color change NOT WORKING with 2.8.0 update

I have same problem. 2.8.0 seems to be a whole new animal/design but seems to have lost some capabilities. I will reinstall 2.7.** until this is fixed.

Posted : 29/06/2024 9:00 pm
RE: Color change NOT WORKING with 2.8.0 update

I experience the same issue about the time until color change not being displayed by the printer. It does perform the color change though. It just won't tell you when -_-

Posted : 30/06/2024 10:02 am