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Clarification on "E-Cool" setting  

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Clarification on "E-Cool" setting

The Prusa article on the Experimental Menu mentions a setting called "E-Cool Mode" which can lower the extruder motor temperature by up to 10 degrees Celcius.  The article states that activating E-Cool Mode uses "StealthChop without the 'current feedback' feature of the TMC2130 stepper drivers".

I looked up the TMC2130 datasheet, and it mentions a feature called "coolStep" (see pages 8 and 66), which uses current control to reduce power consumption (and therefore lower the motor temperature).  I believe this is the feature being referred to in the Prusa article.

I want to clarify whether the "E-Cool Mode" in Prusa is turning the "coolStep" feature on or off, since it would seem to me from the TMC2130 datasheet that turning it off would actually raise the motor temperature.  Perhaps the Prusa page misspoke, or else the TMC2130 doesn't work as intended, or perhaps it is something different altogether.

Any clarity would be appreciated.

Publié : 24/08/2022 9:25 pm
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