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Can't reinstall nozzle & continual preheat error msg  

Trusted Member
Can't reinstall nozzle & continual preheat error msg

I removed my nozzle to clear a piece of filament that was struck & now the nozzle will not screw all the way back in to leave the required ~ .5mm gap.   it hard stops with a 3.3mm gap.  I've checked and there is no debris blocking the threads nor are they damaged. also the nozzle will not heat past 220 deg.  the procedure calls for 280.  whether I pick a preheat setting based off a specific material or just set the nozzle to a specific temp, once the temp hits 220 I get a ' preheat error" msg and the heater shuts off.  I've tried deleting the firmware & reinstalling it (3.11.0) but got the same result

Veröffentlicht : 26/07/2023 11:45 pm
Noble Member
RE: Can't reinstall nozzle & continual preheat error msg

Then you either need a new heater or thermistor 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Veröffentlicht : 27/07/2023 3:09 am