Cant print PLA and PETG but can print ABS?
Hi guys,
I have a weird Problem with my Prusa MK3S with Bear Frame and Bear Extruder + Geared Extruder Mod from Zaribo.
Now the problem is when printing PLA or PETG the nozzle cloghs every time, sometimes after 5min and sometimes after 3hours.
Already tried cold pull and dissasembled the hotend and cleaned the inside.
But the weird thing is i can print ABS totally fine for 5 hours+ without any issues,
I hope someone has any idea that can solve my problem.
RE: Cant print PLA and PETG but can print ABS?
Sounds as if your ambient temperature is too high and you experience heat creep. Do you print inside an enclosure?
Yes i print ABS in an enclosure, but PLA and PETG without. Already checked the rpm of the extruder fan. Printer is in my basement with around 17 degrees inside so shouldn’t be too high…
Also if i let it cool and heat again, unload and load the filament it works again.