Cannot get MK3s Firmware to Compile (Windows Arduino)
For some reason I cannot get the firmware to compile even without making any changes to it.
I installed Arduino IDE and downloaded the firmware / followed directions on Github:
But even before making any changes I get multiple errors compiling the MK3s configuration. I attached one error (but if I add a comment after a comma here, as it seems to expect, it just gives some other error). Do I need to be connected to the board to compile this? I am running an MK3S+ configuration but do not think this compiling issue has anything do do with the 3D printer hardware.
Ultimately, all I want to do is to lower the Z_MAX_POS to 200 since I upgraded to a CHC Pro hotend and it is longer so sticks down about 10mm lower than the stock hotend. In case I cannot figure this out, if someone could please compile the latest firmware with a Z_MAX_POS of 200 I would really appreciate it. Ideally, I do not want to print a modified hotend and would really prefer not to have to take apart the extruder again.
RE: Cannot get MK3s Firmware to Compile (Windows Arduino)
Update: Finally got this to work. Issue was that I was using the latest Github files. Someone recommended that I use these files: and I was able to compile things perfectly. Finally, got my 3D printer calibrating the Z-axis.