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Can't keep Z Calibration  

New Member
Can't keep Z Calibration

Just built a MK3 kit 2 weeks ago. I got all the way through the initial calibrate and printed about 6 items. After that I kept on getting a Z axis calibration error saying check to make sure the nozzle is clean. I would then reset and try it again only to fail. I manually ran the Z axis all the way to the top and it stop short of the top saying it was already at 210 mm. I manually moved it to the top by turning the rods and got a good calibration. But then on the next print and every print after that I get the error say Z axis error and the X axis will not go to the top. This is very frustrating/ What is a good fix?

Veröffentlicht : 24/09/2018 6:28 pm
Noble Member
Re: Can't keep Z Calibration

might sound silly, make sure the flex plate is flat. happen to me once

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Veröffentlicht : 24/09/2018 7:00 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Can't keep Z Calibration

Double check the height of your sensor relative to the nozzle tip. Set per the instructions.

Veröffentlicht : 26/09/2018 4:59 pm