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Calibration problems  

Active Member
Calibration problems

I have been a happy user for years until now.

I was having issues with the first layer and, in an attempt to start from scratch, I reset the printer to factory defaults.

I have done this many times before and never had any issue.  This time I'm receiving  the message:

"Calibration failed! Check the axes and run again."

This message shows up right after the horizontal carriage goes all the way up, make a vibrating noise and then shows:

"Please clean the nozzle for calibration. Click when done."


"Is steel sheet on heatbed?  Yes >No"


"Place a sheet of paper under the calibration of first 4 points. If the nozzle catches the paper, power off the printer immediately"

Right after that last message, it seems like it's trying to move for a split second and then it shows the error.

I already checked the sensors and they seem to work fine; I tested the PINDA with a piece of metal ant the status changes correctly.

Wiring seems fine as well; if I go to Settings-->Move Axis--> Move Z,  I can move through the Z axis up and down.

I already tried to update to firmware 3.9.1, go back to 3.9.0, etc., with the same results.

I'm running out of options.  Any hints would be greatly appreciated.




Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 years von lecep
Veröffentlicht : 17/10/2020 1:00 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Calibration problems

Good morning Lionel, 

Did you Lube the bearings during assembly? 
If not, now might be a good time!

the shipping corrosion protection fluid in the linear bearings  may have evaporated... 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 17/10/2020 10:51 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Calibration problems


Hi Joan, thanks for your reply.

I use to do some basic maintenance from time to time, following Prusa's recommendations.  That's probably why I haven't had any issues before; I got my printer in 2018.

If you run the calibration, you can tell everything is fine up to this point.  It isn't taking longer in any step or retrying, etc.  It seems something either electronic or firmware.

After the calibration process shows the error, I can go back to the menus and move everything (even Z).  There is no extra effort moving any axis.

I double-checked the extruder height.  Even when I haven't changed anything there, I made sure everything is in place and also made sure the PINDA is at the appropriate height (same process as when I assembled the printer for the first time).

Also, I have done a full system refresh ( several time, but still the same result.

I wonder if there is a way to override the calibration process and manually set the calibration end-points.  I'm sure this may be dangerous considering that end-point out of the physical boundaries may break the printer; but my idea is to provide (within a range) manual values so the Z calibration doesn't brake any more.  Not sure if that's possible.

Any more ideas and help is appreciated


Veröffentlicht : 17/10/2020 3:23 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Calibration problems

After the last message I went back to the printer and traced all cables from extruder to the board.  The PINDA connector had very sharp bends.

To double-check, I tested the sensors from the Support-->Sensor info menu and ... bingo!  The PINDA was stuck on "1".  But if I wiggled the cable close to the board, it flipped from 1 to 0 and then 1 very quickly.

I just ordered a replacement from a local distributor.  To confirm the problem was the PINDA, I cut the cable right where it was bent and solder the connectors again.  Plugged it back in and voila!, calibration finished properly.

One more lesson I learned:  If you checked, check again.


Veröffentlicht : 17/10/2020 10:00 pm