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Bugging issue with printquality  

Active Member
Bugging issue with printquality

Hi everyone,

I'm using my MK3S for about 5 years now. All minor issues could be solved after some time so far, but now I'm about to lose my patience (and faith in me). 🙃 

The problem:

When printing, the first layer is always good. However, once it goes up to layer two, the quality always goes way down.

In this first pic you can see layer two and half of layer three with white PLA:

In this pic you can see layer one and part of layer two with grey PLA:

What I did so far:

- Spent some time with the Z leveling. Used the PRUSA check print for the whole bed to check if all fits (unfortunately did not take a picture). 

- Build in a whole new hotend as the one before had some traces from a spaghetti incident some months ago. Even though it did print well for weeks after that.

- Checked the fit of the extruder gears, tightened and losend the screw for the flap. But I do not hear that typical click for extruder issues.

- Using default settings in the slicer after setting up everything from scratch in the Slicer. Only thing changed is bed leveling with 170 and heating up to print temp after that to avoid material on the bed while leveling.

- Checked the hotend cooler for being stuck.

- Did some cold plug.

- Live adjust some perimeters (Heat, Speed, Fan). What did bring a change was to turn down the speed. The surface of the print was a bit better as can be seen here - but still far from being good:


I'm now at a point where I have no more ideas what I could do to solve this issue. Basically I think that it is an issue with some part of hardware, even though I don't know what it could be. 🤐 

Napsal : 25/11/2024 9:36 am